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Advantages of Paytm merchant account Of Benefits



Benefits of PayTM business Marchent account

Paytm marchent account have special feature and Usefully, previously they created separate identity from your Shop their current paytm business wallet account.

  1. Previously paytm money get deposited into their paytm wallet account from where they can transfer money to their account. In business account you need not to transact money will automatically transfer to your bank account whichever is linked with your business account.
  2. Since PayTM becomes payment bank itself it will associate its own bank with your business account, if you have PayTM payment bank account or you can register any of your bank details you have account with.
  3. PayTM business will not charge anything from merchants for transferring money into your account. Yes, its completely free.
  4. They created separate apps to management business account and transaction Full details. you can download the QR scan code or generate new QR.
  5. Currently Paytm business account have limitation on accepting up to 10k in single day and 100k in month.

Now users wants to pay credit card bill with another credit card can become merchant on PayTM and use the benefits of business account or could find one of their friend have it.

ALSO READ:Advantages and Disadvantages of Paytm wallet

eas where you are at a loss while using Paytm.
So, let us now look at the advantages of Paytm and in the later part, we will talk about the disadvantages of using Paytm. 




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